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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan 31st, 2010

Today is the first day of REAL blogging!  I guess all the other days were just practice *grins*.  I never use my multiply account anymore except to see other peoples blogs - let's hope that I don't let this one go by the wayside.  I have a feeling it won't, though, as I have too many crafty friends to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Now if I could just figure out what I'm doing!  I've played with the colors a little bit, got the layouts all done and everything, but am having trouble figuring out the best places to put my pictures!  Not that I have that many to share, mind you, but still...oh, and nothing really new to share.  I have a few small finishes that need pictures taken that I did in December, and only one for January.

Tom's Samurai has taken a back seat for far too long, so that will be my stitching priority this year.  If it's not done in time for his birthday in April, then it will be for Christmas.  Of course, then my Geisha will be finished at the same time!  I have worked on it two nights this week - just filling in "holes" in the bottom half of the pattern.

Janet Stanko delievered a really great challenge to us on one of the yahoo groups, thestitcherhood, and that is to just sit down and stitch 20 minutes a day, every day.  You'd be amazed at how much you can accomplish!  Well, I didn't start off that great as I'm going to school full-time so my time is filled with homework, studying and looking for a permanent position somewhere.  My last temp job, however, I spent about 1-1/2 hours stitching (it was approved, don't worry, I'm not lazy nor was I ditching my duties) and finished a couple of small ornaments - one that had been started probably 10-15 years ago!

Now to see if I can get some things arranged here and my blog really up and running!

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