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Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday night - book blurb!

My daughter teases me because I've been keeping  a book log.  I had one a few years ago that I did, but I was such a busy mom that I fell down with it.  Why do I do it?  The first time around, I did it because I was worried when I couldn't remember books I'd read...I still worry about that...but this time I do it because I wanted to challenge myself this year to read more than just "kid" books; Twilight, The Last Olympian, etc... Please don't get me wrong - I LOVE those books - they are great entertainment and I can talk about them with my kids and that's important to me.  But I wanted a little bit more - I wanted to be challenged; to have to look up a word or concept for its meaning instead of just knowing.

I just finished reading The Persian Pickle Club ~ Sandra Dallas.  Good wholesome reading about the bonds that tie women together.  I'm grateful to Mary Z for turning me on to this title...I watch what she reads (Hi Mary!) and she's got good taste, I have to say!  My only question about this book would be - where's the epilogue with the recipes for the yummy desserts and main dishes they talk about?  It takes place in Kansas during the Depression so I know that my family won't have these anymore - the last person to have been in the MidWest died when I was 7...my great-great-grandma Ninny.  Guess I'll have to a do a little research...
Until next time,

Totally Useless SAL

What is it?  What does it MEAN?  SAL, in the cross-stitch world means "Stitch-a-long"...everybody stitches the same pattern at the same time and shares their tears, frogs (rip-it) and progress with the rest of the group!

This Totally Useless Sal is kinda the same - but you're not really making anything except a pretty and totally useless jar!  To see a FULL explanation and to sign up, go to Dragon my Needle's blog here:

Here's MY TUS that I have so far - I started late - February - I signed up earlier, but forgot about it!  So here's my picture:

You can't see a whole lot of color yet, but I've been using pretty neutral to "mild" colors.  We'll see as the month progresses how much I end up with :)

Now off to homework...or I'll never pass my classes!  It won't do itself, you know.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pictures - as promised!

Here is the updated picture of Tom's Samurai - you won't see anything others here, I don't think, because I started it long before I had my blog.
This is the "letter C" block for the charity quilts:
The letter A - though now I've got his face on and almost finished back-stitching:
The sock that Gabby has finished - it looks SO COOL!

And last, but not least, my attempt at knitting a scarf - wouldn't you know I picked one of the most difficult types of yarn!  But it's sooooo very soft!


Until next time...which will be a few weeks as I've got two speeches to write, 4 sections of homework to catch up on in math, and my art homework as well...AND to get a job :)  

Happy Sunday!

I know I promised pictures - but it's been one of those weeks.  I'll have some up TOMORROW for sure - because I promised that I'd show progress for the KraftersKorner Charity Quilts group and TheStitcherhood! Sometimes between school, job hunting and life in general, things get away with me.  That being said, here's an update on what's been going on in my life:

Tom got hurt at work on Friday - it made bowling interesting last night and he's waddling around like a penguin.  I know it's not funny, but he does look comical trying to get around.  I wish I could convince him to soak in the hot-tub, though, as I really think it would help him relax his back muscles.  He's just not going to have an easy time of it this week - he's the warehouse supervisor and works HARD - he doesn't know the meaning of take it easy.  That's one of the things I love about him, though, his work ethic.

I have my kids this weekend and am going to try to take pictures of what I have done so far (just 1-1/2 blocks).  Carein gave me a knitting set for Gabby for her birthday and she's finished one sock already and I MUST post that on my blog, too, because not only is it cute, it fits her foot!  She's got oober long feet.  She said it was the easiest pattern to use for socks and will definitely make more because it starts at the cuff, not the toe - she hates working it the other way. My scarf got about 6 more rows on it so now I think it will actually show up in a picture - it's slow going, but there's no rush.

Going to take Gabby to the bank to get her money for the New York trip coming up and then I'm taking the kids down to the school to play.  It's been so nice this week - next week is going to be YUCKY - wet, Wet, WET!  So we're going to take advantage of it while we can.

Tomorrow I have an interview in Longview to be a substitute so I can sub in two districts.  The lady said they were desperate for subs - I don't know why with all the layoffs, though, and I didnt' ask.  It sounds more like a formality than anything else as they've already called my references and everything is good to go - she said to bring a copy of my social security card and my id as well as a voided check for direct deposit - that sounds more like, "you're in" than "we'll see".

Sometime this next week I also have a follow-up interview for the apartment manager/leasing agent right here in my own apartment complex!  It means free rent, free utilities, an hour lunch and I can come home for lunch, I can walk to work (and always will) which reduces the wear and tear on my vehicle plus saves me $50 a month in gas...can I just say WOW.  I REALLY WANT THIS ONE?  They also offer FULL medical, dental and vision - my days off will be during the week, which means IF I WANT TO, I can still sub for extra income...oh and on top of all that, Id' also get a paycheck.  PLEASE pray that it's the right one and that if it's not, that the right one comes up THIS WEEK - I'm at my wits end with the state (nothing for 3 weeks and counting) and I'm down to 50c in my checking account with rent due on Monday the 1st.  *sigh*  Trying to stay positive, though.

That's it for my day - hope everyone else's goes well!

ps - Please click on the ads if they come up on the bottom of the screen...and if you're in the same program, let me know and I'll click on yours, too!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy pre-Valentines Day!

Today is just a lovely day - I slept in, and my sweetheart wakes me up to, "Still want to see the movie, Avatar?  then get up, let's get going!" 

Avatar was a really good movie - the story has been done before, but the special effects, 3d, new creatures - pretty cool.  I think the 3d gave me a headache, though, so will have to be careful if I see another like that.  A lady sitting down the row from us said she couldn't watch through the glasses because of her vertigo - I have vertigo, too, and wonder if that's where the headache came from.

After that, we were on our way home and Tom is saying, "turn here...no here...no there...dammit, WHERE is Olive Garden!?!?"  hahaha  Well, if THAT's all you want...here we go!  A couple of more turns and voila!  We are at O.G.  I usually order the Portabello mushroom ravioli - YUM!  Nope, he makes me get it off the "expensive" menu - the sausage/four cheese...mmmmmm it was soooo good! I gave him my sausage though, because after one bite, I knew I'd be suffering from acid reflux all night if I didn't!

As we were leaving the restaurant, he says, "That was your Valentine's Day stuff, by the way."  I kind of knew that already because we rarely go out other than bowling each week - we just stay at home to watch movies and eat in because it's cheaper.  Still, this has been the best V-day ever.


Here's a picture of a card I made out of a napkin - you can NOT tell once it's done that a napkin was used!
I've finished one cross-stitched square for charity and am 3/4 of the way done with another...then I went and signed up for four more!  They are just so cute when they are all stitched up and I have all the stuff to do it with, so why not?  I think I've finally figured out how to upload photos here on the blog, so by Monday I will have a couple of pictures to share.

Here's a picture of Tom's Samurai - it's a few months old and I've made progress, but not taken any new pictures yet:


Off to bowling soon - haven't been doing so well since we lost one of our team members - she moved and it's just to far for her to drive.  Can't blame her, though, it was a 45 minute drive each way after she moved, but I do miss her!
Have a wonderful day tomorrow and remember that Valentine's Day should be EVERYDAY.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday afternoon

Good news and bad news...

Good news - I did VERY well on my Editorial speech that I was so worried about - the instructor had a lot of good comments about my speaking voice, content and other aspects.

Bad news - the job interview I had today did not go well.  Well, that's not quite true - it went well, but I know I didn't get it.  They told us in the informational meeting that we needed to bring photo id and be prepared to take a urine test - they didn't need my id and most certainly did not ask for my union.  I'm also not understanding my math right now and I can't afford to start falling behind now - I'm doing so well in there!

Good news - I've been stitching on Tom's Samurai and hope to have a picture up tomorrow of my progress.  The "holes" are filled in on the bottom half, finished with the fan, and now moving back up to the sword.  I'll be working my way up the sword to start the upper half of the Samuarai - WOOHOO!
