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Monday, February 22, 2010

Totally Useless SAL

What is it?  What does it MEAN?  SAL, in the cross-stitch world means "Stitch-a-long"...everybody stitches the same pattern at the same time and shares their tears, frogs (rip-it) and progress with the rest of the group!

This Totally Useless Sal is kinda the same - but you're not really making anything except a pretty and totally useless jar!  To see a FULL explanation and to sign up, go to Dragon my Needle's blog here:

Here's MY TUS that I have so far - I started late - February - I signed up earlier, but forgot about it!  So here's my picture:

You can't see a whole lot of color yet, but I've been using pretty neutral to "mild" colors.  We'll see as the month progresses how much I end up with :)

Now off to homework...or I'll never pass my classes!  It won't do itself, you know.

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