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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mending fences...

Last week my oldest daughter, Ashleigh invited me to her concert...a huge step as we've not been on speaking terms for quite some time. That's a story for another day...

The concert was fabulous – I was on pins and needles waiting to hear her sing. I know she has a lovely voice, but hadn't heard her in awhile and really wanted to!

The new choir director/guitar instructor did a fabulous job putting this together. He combined the two classes several times and did just such a wonderful job!!! I was very impressed.

It started with the Mixed Chorus, moved on to the guitar classes; beginning, intermediate and then advanced. There was a “fun” piece “I love you, you love me – Barney” and it was put in as a joke and to call a student's bluff – fortunately, I didn't hear the “I love you”, I heard “This old man” LOL I hate Barney...bleh. Anyway, it was a guitar duet and just got a lot of fun right in the middle of the program.

I got to hear”Simple Man” - Leonard Skynard, No One Wants to Cry – Taylor Phelps (an original piece by the student and sung with another student) and Transylvania – Iron Maiden. Wish Tom could have been there to hear those pieces because he could've told me if they were actually good or not – but I was impressed with the fingering – it can't be easy! Such coordination!

Then it moved on to the Woodland Beginning Choir – the Sound of Silence and Scarborough Fair – both of which was combined with the guitar class...I think there were close to 20 guitars up there and 6 or 7 of the choir – it was really good. Sang right along with them, yup, I did, but quietly, to myself as I know I sing off key. Then the choir did Dust in the Wind with Mr. LiaBraaten accompany on the electric guitar – well done, but should have been practiced more, I think, either that or the kids were just getting tired.

Finally the Show Choir – Ashleigh's group. There were 8 or 9 girls up there and they all looked so pretty. They sang “Steppin Out with my Baby”, “And So It Goes – Billy Joel” - this is the one that I absolutely gave up and started crying. They sang it accapella* and seriously sounded like angels...every one of them. On to “He Ain't Heavy, He's my Brother”, “route 66”, “Stormy Weather” and “jump Jive and Wail” - the last one was a lot of fun..that's part of the blurriness in the photos.

Had two wonderful conversations with Ash, she told me about her upcoming graduation – she'll be speaking at it, too! I asked her if she was Valedictorian, and she said they don't really do that anymore because every time they had a Valedictorian, they refused to speak! What the hell!?!? That was supposed to be a huge honor! She said that if someone wanted to speak, they had to apply – and there would be 3 student speakers. Wow...very interesting.

Oh – the pictures of Bo...he's the drummer...and has been THE drummer since, what, 6th grade? The girls absolutely screamed for him – he's a funny character and a good kid...got a kick out of the “shades” he put on halfway through the set. He's only one other student that I actually recognized from previous concerts (and church).

Pictures can be seen on my facebook...

Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24th, 2010

May 24th, 2010

Just got back from an amazing walk! You may think I'm nuts (and I'm sure I am), but wow...at 11:30 I was thinking I really should DO something, but didn't feel motivated AT ALL.

Then I remembered Kelly's status update on facebook yesterday – she RAN 3 miles! C'mon now, I haven't run a lick in years except for chasing my munchkins. Some days I don't know if I am even able to run, I'm that out of shape. Wait – round is a shape, right?!?!? lol

I'm walking, the shin splints have hit early because I literally did nothing the last 6 months. The last 3 months I've not even walked with my kids because I've been so tired when I get off work.

It's one mile from my home to the mall...that's one side of the block. The parallel side is most likely one mile, also and I'm guessing the sides to be either ¼ or ½ mile long – I'm going to drive it before I go to work to verify the distance. I seem to remember 2 years ago that it was only 2 miles, but I don't know how that could be so I'm going to double check it in a bit.

Spring is definitely here and it completely creeped up on me! There was a beautiful rose garden budding, many people's flower gardens were in full bloom and the colors are just amazing this year. Blues, purples, magentas, you name it, it was there.

I passed several people on my trek...two couples, a dad waiting for the Kindergarten bus with his son and a couple of passerby...I've never liked it here in Vancouver, much, being from a small town. Well, Astoria was a small town when I was growing up – it's now considered a “city” because it has a McDonald's … oooh. Today I got the small town feel back – one of the gentleman that I passed, I'm guessing he's older than I am but he had on a baseball hat – he TIPPED IT when he said hello! That never happens anymore – I thought, What a sweet gesture!

I passed one couple twice and they said I was making good time – told them I had to since I had to get to work soon...didn't tell them I still need to shower and do the dishes :)

Speaking of – if I don't get a move on, I wont' be able to drive the block and I'll forget tonight when I get off work. Oh – I saw some yellow finches, red-winged blackbirds today, too, a very welcome sight. The blackbirds were in among the cattails and yellow irises that were blooming...some of my favorite birds.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Playing Hooky - May 21st, 2010

My day started off fairly normal...got up, dressed, dishes & laundry done then took off for parts unknown. I knew I was going to the coast, but broke two cardinal rules – didn't take a buddy and didn't tell anybody where. Thankfully that wasn't an issue today, but still...

Of course, it would have helped if I had known where I was going! I just got in, got gas and started driving.

I knew that I wanted to go to the Washington Coast this time because I go to the Oregon coast all the time...I was born there, so it makes sense, right? A co-worker suggested Glass Beach and I found two – one in northern California and one in northern Washington...longer than I wanted for a day trip. I did really well with driving today – took lots of little breaks (drinking lots of water helps with that *wink) – my butt wasn't numb until I got home!

Started off on I-5 north and turned off at Chehalis...there are a bunch of sleepy little towns out there! I love sleepy little towns – they are so peaceful and while driving, I just enjoyed being in the “here and now”. I'm sure I've driven through part of them before, but I also know that I was lost when I did it. Today I took my time, drove off to at the Rainbow Falls sign (always wanted to see what it was all about) and found the PERFECT camping spot! Wow – hiking, water, the whole nine yards!

Along the way a nursery sign: The Dirty Thumb

LOVE IT! I don't have much of a green thumb, even though I try, and yes, it's more of a “dirty” thumb when I'm playing in the flower pots.

I thought I saw a mama quail and her babies, but I'm certain her neck is too long and she was just too tall. Was going to look it up, but not sure which bookshelf my bird book is on right now so will save that for later – didnt' get a picture of her either, dang it. It was cute.

Stopped at a Shell station in Raymond for more water and saw an advertisement for Full Throttle...”Will is Power” Well, yeah...I know that I can do anything if I set my mind to it, but as I've recently discovered, “will” is not enough. I have limitations and must recognize them! Anywhoo – got my water, chocolate (a must for road trips) and a cute pair of crescent moon earrings that have some sort of bluish gem in them ...and some dumbass runs over a pallet of beer in the parking lot – and he doesn't even stop! I'm thinking, Seriously?!?!? You run over a pallet of beer, crush at least one case, if not two and you don't stop? Good thing they got it on camera – he's going to have some serious explaining to do – makes me wonder if he wasn't drinking himself!

I stopped in South Bend to attempt a panoramic of the bay – this is a huge milestone for me. The ocean doesn't bother me unless I'm on it...I can stand in front of it and be just fine..but any other body of water, well, let's just say I have panic attacks. I did have a small anxiety attack but the tide was out so it wasn't too bad. It was a liberating feeling, too!

The rain and I played a cat and mouse game today...little did it realize, I was going to win either way – NOTHING was going to ruin my day today.

Got to the beach and am so very glad I went – I miss the sound of the ocean. The wind blowing through the trees sometimes reminds me of the ocean, but the “roar” is just not the same. Got a rumbly in my tumbly (as Pooh would say) so hit the boardwalk. Got some famous peanut butter fudge and hit the shops – mostly window shopping, but did find a shirt for Tom that says: “D.A.D.D Dads Against Daughters Dating” - perfect! Asked the cashier which restaurant to go to for the best clam chowder and turns out it was right next door...don't remember the name of the place, but my waiter's name was Jed! The chowder was incredibly yummy – they added a sprinkling of cayanne pepper (I think) on the top and REAL bacon – not bacon BITS – these were ½' pieces of bacon – yummmmmmy! Totally filled me up. Oh – I also got a bag of salt water taffy – very fresh, but the flavors fell short. I could taste the peppermint, cinnamon and pineapple, but nothing else...bleh.

Rained almost all the way home, but I didn't care. I bought Shinedown's “Sound of Madness” album on CD yesterday and BLASTED it all the way there and all the way back – that's a LOT of Shinedown! LOL For about an hour or so after getting home, my left ear felt like it had been at a concert without me.

Just an absolutely beautiful day today – I'm so glad I took it and spent it the way I did. Of course, it's my only day off this week, but that's alright, there will be other days!

Pictures are all up on my facebook account – I'm too lazy to post them on my regular blog...

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Well, I said I didn't think I'd be a very good blogger...and I think my last post was in February!  Wow...time flies!

I finished up Winter Quarter at Clark and did very well in my classes...then started Spring Quarter where life in general went to hell in a handbasket - FAST.  As of today, May 13th, I've dropped out of school and I can't tell you what a relief it is.  I did speak to a college counselor before making this decision...and it wasn't easy.  Being called a "quitter" is a hot button with me - it's akin to being called a "loser"!  However, when you've hit rock bottom, it's okay to be flexible and make changes!  Since that's really the only part of my life I feel I can have some control over, that's the part that went.

You see, March 1st I started a part-time job at Chevron, as well as subbing for two school districts.  Toward the end of April, I got a temp job through Northwest Staffing (at Milwaukee Lumber)...so I've been working 2-3 jobs, going to school full-time, dealing with the regular stresses of life as well as Tom's (his job stinks BIG time)...throw an ex and four kids on top of that, well, a mental and emotional breakdown was due and it hit hard Mother's Day weekend...of all weekends!

My friend David suggested a book, "The Power of Now" to me, and it has been a huge help!  It's explained a lot of my feelings, reactions, the whole 9 yards - I think I was in the right place at the right time for this one.

I even played hooky on Tuesday and went hiking - it was just such an amazing day.  There was no pressure, no distractions, I could just "BE" and it was okay!  Two days later and I'm still feeling free and calm.

During my "dark" days, I couldn't craft at all - my muse had fled - so all crafting was on the back burner.  I feel awful because I signed up for swaps that I had to flake on - they will get finished and sent out, but they are now months late!  Here's what I worked on tonight and last night:
The beginnings of an iguana:

The Monkey, Jaguar, Start of Rocket Ship and update on my scarf:
As you can see, I have much left to do on many of them, but now that I've taken some time for me (I urge EVERYONE to take time for themselves), I'll have more to show later.

That's really about all I have right now - I'm spending my late afternoons after I get off work reading The Power of Now and learning more about it and myself, and just relaxing...learning how to breathe again and just slow down and focus on what's truly important.

Have a great evening - and you can always drop me an email if you like :)