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Thursday, May 13, 2010


Well, I said I didn't think I'd be a very good blogger...and I think my last post was in February!  Wow...time flies!

I finished up Winter Quarter at Clark and did very well in my classes...then started Spring Quarter where life in general went to hell in a handbasket - FAST.  As of today, May 13th, I've dropped out of school and I can't tell you what a relief it is.  I did speak to a college counselor before making this decision...and it wasn't easy.  Being called a "quitter" is a hot button with me - it's akin to being called a "loser"!  However, when you've hit rock bottom, it's okay to be flexible and make changes!  Since that's really the only part of my life I feel I can have some control over, that's the part that went.

You see, March 1st I started a part-time job at Chevron, as well as subbing for two school districts.  Toward the end of April, I got a temp job through Northwest Staffing (at Milwaukee Lumber)...so I've been working 2-3 jobs, going to school full-time, dealing with the regular stresses of life as well as Tom's (his job stinks BIG time)...throw an ex and four kids on top of that, well, a mental and emotional breakdown was due and it hit hard Mother's Day weekend...of all weekends!

My friend David suggested a book, "The Power of Now" to me, and it has been a huge help!  It's explained a lot of my feelings, reactions, the whole 9 yards - I think I was in the right place at the right time for this one.

I even played hooky on Tuesday and went hiking - it was just such an amazing day.  There was no pressure, no distractions, I could just "BE" and it was okay!  Two days later and I'm still feeling free and calm.

During my "dark" days, I couldn't craft at all - my muse had fled - so all crafting was on the back burner.  I feel awful because I signed up for swaps that I had to flake on - they will get finished and sent out, but they are now months late!  Here's what I worked on tonight and last night:
The beginnings of an iguana:

The Monkey, Jaguar, Start of Rocket Ship and update on my scarf:
As you can see, I have much left to do on many of them, but now that I've taken some time for me (I urge EVERYONE to take time for themselves), I'll have more to show later.

That's really about all I have right now - I'm spending my late afternoons after I get off work reading The Power of Now and learning more about it and myself, and just relaxing...learning how to breathe again and just slow down and focus on what's truly important.

Have a great evening - and you can always drop me an email if you like :)

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